The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently reported retaliation under all statutes as the most frequently filed discrimination charge in fiscal year 2012. Race and sex discrimination were the next most frequent charges. The statistics reflect charges of employment discrimination filed for statutes enforced by the EEOC.
The EEOC received almost 100,000 charges of discrimination in the fiscal year that ended September 30, 2012. Of the charges received, retaliation charges filed under all the discrimination statutes topped the list with 37,836. Following close behind were race discrimination charges with 33,512 and sex discrimination charges with 30,356. Retaliation has consistently held the highest spot since 2009 when it overtook race charges. GINA charges increased in 2012 but remained the lowest reported charge filed with 280.
EEOC charge receipts for Massachusetts totaled 426 for FY 2012. The EEOC received 143 charges for retaliation for all statutes, along with 139 for sex, 137 for age, and 128 for disability.
EEOC charge receipts for New Hampshire totaled 59 for FY 2012. Disability topped the charges with 28, followed close behind with retaliation for all statutes at 20, sex at 16, and age at 14.
The EEOC received $44.2 million through its litigation program in monetary benefits in FY 2012. $34.3 million of that monetary recovery was for Title VII discrimination charges.